Today we had a few head Offshore to brave some pretty wet and windy conditions.  The thought being the fish are wet already.  Four headed out in search of the bite.  Most returned with outstanding catches of a really good class of Yellowfin Tuna.  Some Dolphin were caught too but limits of nice sized Tuna is certainly the story of the day.  The Anglers that did fish today certainly earned their haul of fish.  There were reports to the South of us today of Squalls and wind gusts up to 60 mph mixed with hail.  I’m sure everyone was greatful for the veteran experience of the Captains today, allowing everyone to get out and in safely. 

    Not much to report for the Nearshore fleet.  One boat did head out and caught a few Spanish Mackerel and some blues.  They decided to head back into the Inlet, due to the conditions, and catch Flounder and Sea Mullet. 

    Two days ago Saturday’s forecast called for winds out of the South at less than 5 knotts.  The most recent Forecast is calling for 15 to 20 now on Sat.  It sounds like as the day progresses things will lie down leading to a beautiful Sunday.  We still have some openings for the coming weekend along with some make ups.  Call us at 1-800-367-4728 or visit us at to book your trip!

    We open at 5am through out the weekend and we have Ethanol free gas at the fuel dock for all those who want to protect the life of their outboards! Pirates Cove Billfish Tournament shirts are back in stock for 2013!  You can order them online.  Have a great weekend!

