Well welcome to the outerbanks!  Despite the Marlin bite being as phenominal as it is right now, mother nature decided to make it impossible for us to fish today.  A front came in last night and behind it was a cool north east breeze blowing 30 kts by the noon hour.  We had a bunch scheduled to fish today but none headed offshore.  The updates change everytime I look at them so hopefully we will be getting lines wet again by monday morning if not tomorrow!

    We did have the sea hunter head out on a near shore trip this morning and they did really well on bottomfish including sea mullet, flounder, and Croaker. 

    Many of our captains are on their way home from the va beach billfish tourny this afternoon and tomorrow.  It will be a rollercoaster ride for all of them including the OIFC fleet.  We look forward to everyone home safe and full of fuel at the docks tomorrow.  Take care and have a safe weekend!

    Call us at 1-800-367-4728 or visit us at staging.pcdev.flywheelsites.com